Capture Pain Patterns By Building Your Own Pain Chain
In organizations, the morale, performance, and activities of one person directly impacts another person. A chief marketing officer has the pain of not generating enough leads. In the same way, a sales operation manager has the pain of lacking visibility into critical sales data. These pains of not generating enough leads and lack of visibility may be reasons for the pain of missing revenue targets for the VP of Sales.
The VP of Sales’s pain may be, in turn, a reason for the company president’s pain of declining margins. Thus, one person’s pain becomes a reason for another person’s pain in an organization. Pain flows and manifests itself throughout the organization because of a high level of inter dependency.
The capturing and documenting of this pattern of pain in an organization is called a pain chain. In effect, this means that if the pain of one person is resolved, then others benefit and the ripple effect continues across the organization.
Infographic: Understanding the Pain-Chain for Selling
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