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LexisNexis Makes the Buying Experience their Differentiator

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The Results

  • +15%Increase in Win Rate

  • 500Managers, Coaches & Reps Trained

The Challenge

LexisNexis Risk Solutions provides customers with innovative technologies, information-based analytics, decision-making tools, and data management services that help them solve problems, make better decisions, stay compliant, reduce risk, and improve operations.

In working to stay ahead of the market in a rapidly changing world and deliver even more value to their customers, the Data Services division within LexisNexis Risk Solutions recognised that they needed to help their sales team continue to enhance the nature of their customer conversations. Their goal was to elevate the buying and relationship experience with the markets they serve and help their sales teams advise and guide customers through their competitive and challenging markets, thereby understanding the value they provide.

To achieve this, the Leadership team set out to adopt a value-based sales mindset and establish a consistent sales approach across the sales organisation, creating greater career opportunities for the team. They needed to forge deeper, more strategic relationships with their customers that moved well beyond transactions and allowed their customers to see how data could drive their competitive advantage and business decision-making.

The Solution

LexisNexis Risk Solutions partnered with Richardson to create a high-performance, value-based sales approach aligned with the buyer journey. Recognising that the customer experience is their key differentiator, they created the 3C Selling and 3C Coaching Academy. This programme, built on Richardson’s Sprint Selling and Sprint Coaching methods, was customised to fit the LexisNexis Risk Solutions brand. The three C’s—Confidence, Curiosity, and Courage—are central to the 3C Academy. Confidence involves understanding their strengths, Curiosity revolves around asking deeper, more insightful questions to uncover value, and Courage entails embracing new approaches to change behaviour, where it matters most – in front of the customer.

The new 3C Academy fostered a significant mindset shift within the organisation, demonstrating to sellers and managers that this change is not temporary but a fundamental transformation. To garner leadership support, sales leaders were the first to attend the Academy. This approach allowed them to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments before rolling it out to the broader teams.

They collaborated with our Richardson team to establish a unified framework for identifying, advancing, and closing sales opportunities. The organisation adopted new tools, processes, and leadership practises to support behaviour change and drive success. LexisNexis Risk Solutions can now correlate the skills learned with business performance by leveraging sales analytics and enablement technology. By analysing specific phrases or behaviours used by sellers, they can link these actions to selling outcomes and identify best practises and where further support is needed. Implementing Sprint Selling, Sprint Coaching, and additional workflow tools allowed them to effectively train and support over 500 managers, coaches, and sales reps, resulting in a 10-15% increase in win rates.

Watch the video below to find out how Rob Arnold, Head of Sales Performance at LexisNexis Risk Solutions describes working with the Richardson team.

For even more insight into Richardson's partnership with LexisNexis click on the links below to listen to our podcast episode where host Andrea Grodnitzky interviews Rob Arnold, Director of Sales Performance for Data Services at LexisNexis Risk Solutions. In this conversation, you’ll learn how LexisNexis is navigating today’s challenging and competitive market.

Listen on Apple | Listen on Spotify

Solutions that Made this Possible

agile sales training program

Sprint Selling™ Training

Sprint Selling™ balances the need for prescription and agility by arming sellers with a formula for success and the ability to execute it.

agile sales coaching training program

Sprint Coaching™ At a Glance

Richardson’s sales coaching training programme, Sprint Coaching™, teaches an agile approach to sales coaching that turns professional development into an iterative and flexible process. It helps sales managers shift from being an expert who commands team members, to being a coach who empowers self-motivated learning and improved results.

sales technology

Richardson Accelerate™ Sales Performance Platform

Accelerate provides a digital learning experience that uses assessments, video, gamification, and bite-sized modules to build sales competencies.

graphic showing the insights component of the Accelerate Sales Performance System

Accelerate Insights

Accelerate Insights is the engine of the Accelerate Sales Performance System. It aggregates data across your RevTech stack to deliver focused, personalised, ongoing capability development that connects business metrics to the selling behaviours that influence them.

graphic showing the live component of the accelerate sales performance system which includes customization, coaching, and workshops

Accelerate Live

Accelerate Live is where personalised feedback, coaching, and real-world practice take sellers to their next level of performance. Building upon digital learning, virtual and live workshops advance the behaviour change cycle. Our facilitators ensure your sellers are challenged, engaged, and leave better than when they entered.

graphic showing the key elements of the accelerate flow accelerate sales performance improvement system component - spaced repetition technology, workflow tools, and on demand content

Accelerate Flow

Accelerate Flow is where learning extends into the flow of work to cement new behaviours into lasting ones. CRM-enabled workflow tools embed best practices, learned skills, and in-the-moment coaching into the natural flow of work. Data from tool usage feeds back into the Insights engine to further enhance recommendations and measure the impact of behaviour change in the field

systems integrations

Richardson's Technology Integration Solutions

Learning doesn't stop when your sales professionals leave the classroom. Learn how our unique integration capabilities ensure better selling behaviours are safely embedded into your team's flow of work.