Ensure continuous sales performance improvement with training for your sales management team
Ensure continuous sales performance improvement with training for your sales management team
Equip your Sales Managers to be agile, developmental coaches for their teams
Richardson offers a variety of training content focused on developing the skills of sales managers and sales leaders. Our sales management curriculum is anchored on our flagship programme, Sprint Sales Coaching. This programme defines a coaching methodology and builds the fundamental skills sales managers need to be agile in their role. We're also newly offering add-on modules focused on specific topics in sales leadership and management to augment foundational skills and processes in specific areas. Please contact us to learn about building a truly customised sales management training curriculum.
Training for Sales Managers
Sprint Coaching™ At a Glance
Richardson’s sales coaching training programme, Sprint Coaching™, teaches an agile approach to sales coaching that turns professional development into an iterative and flexible process. It helps sales managers shift from being an expert who commands team members, to being a coach who empowers self-motivated learning and improved results.
Driving Salesperson Accountability
Learn about a training module for sales managers that teaches a four-part approach for increasing accountability in sellers.
Leading Sales Team Meetings
This sales manager training module improves your leader's ability to run sales team meetings by using a structured approach focused on simplicity, recognition, and capabilities.
Strengthening Your Sales Culture
Learn about a training module for sales leadership that defines the key elements required to build a superior sales culture.
Vital Conversations
Learn about a training module that arms sales leaders and managers with a five-part approach equipping them to navigate difficult performance conversations to ensure the vital messages are delivered effectively.
Leading Strategic One-On-Ones
Arm your sales managers with a plan and process for making their one-on-one meetings add immediate value.
Managing Different People Differently
Learn about a management training module that teaches sales managers a framework for recognising and addressing the numerous parts of each seller.
Motivating Sales Professionals
Learn about a training module for sales managers that teaches them how to build intrinsic motivation in their sales team by connecting job characteristics to their unique drivers.
Coaching in the Field
Explore a training programme that teaches sales managers how to provide coaching and feedback in real-time.
Reviewing Pipelines
The Sales & Pipeline Management training module teaches your sales managers to more accurately predict revenue and close gaps in their team's pipelines.
Reviewing Opportunities
Richardson Reviewing Opportunities module is a 4-hour training for sales managers that provides a consistent and structured approach to reviewing opportunities to ensure that opportunities are assessed and graded on facts, not feelings.

Our Impact
12%5-12% Increase in Revenue
24%Improvement in skill efficiency
35%Increase in knowledge proficiency
900Global Clients
3.5M+Individuals Trained
Definitely the best management training I've experienced in media. Really appreciate the opportunity to grow my skillset and bring more value to iProspect as a result!