Richardson Sales Performance Books
The experts at Richardson Sales Performance have written a number of books that outline best practices to improve individual and team sales outcomes. Explore our catalog of recent publications and find out how to order them.
The Solution-Centric Organization
The Solution-Centric Organization provides a comprehensive framework for moving companies away from a product/price orientation to a successful, solution-centric approach that includes sales, marketing, communication, and a problem-solving mentality.
Written by the CEO and Marketing VP of Sales Performance International (SPI)_a company that has trained thousands of senior managers in the principles of Solution Selling®_this business-building resource shows how to transform an organization so that it can better solve customers' problems, and thereby differentiate itself from the competition. The Solution-Centric Organization takes managers step by step through:
- A New Sales Environment: provides the rationale for transforming a company into a solution-centric organization, fully describing the emerging emphasis on solution-centricity, the growing trend in solutions focus, and common reactions to sales performance problems in business today
- Solution-Centric Concepts and Principles: explains the essentials of solution-centricity and how to embrace them, exploring the implications for sales, the kinds of organizational transformations needed to become solution-centric, and the dangers of “pseudo-solutions”
- A Practical Framework to Drive Performance Improvement: offers a systemic approach for aligning marketing and sales functions to support solution-centric behavior and integrate those activities to improve revenue generation
- Sales Performance Health Check: presents a methodology for assessing where systemic factors have a negative impact on overall sales performance, featuring objective assessment criteria for each of 26 performance areas and numerous templates and tools for understanding customer problems and needs
- Designed to Help Organizations Capitalize on the Realities of 21st-century Business: this essential management guide contains clear starting points for moving a company to the powerful solution-centric model, plus practical benchmarks for measuring the success of the transformation.
Authoritative and easy to use, The Solution-Centric Organization equips forward-looking companies with all the concepts, methodology, and techniques needed to reap the rewards of becoming solution-centric: significant competitive advantage, larger sales volume, increased revenue and profit, higher employee morale, and greater customer loyalty.
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The Solution Selling Fieldbook: Practical Tools, Application Exercises, Templates and Scripts for Effective Sales Execution
The breakthrough process used by more than 500,000 sales professionals worldwide!
The Solution Selling Fieldbook helps you integrate the plan's nuts-and-bolts techniques into your own day-to-day practices, and immediately gain access to key decision-makers, diagnose buyers' business issues, and increase top-line sales.
Building on the processes, principles, and management systems outlined in The New Solution Selling, this practitioner's workbook features:
- A complete step-by-step blueprint for sales success
- A trial copy of Solution Selling software
- A valuable Solution Selling CD-ROM that includes tools, templates, and sales letters
Includes Exclusive Solution Selling Software on CD-ROM
- More than 120 worksheets on negotiating, opportunity assessments, implementation plans, and more
- Letters/e-mail templates
- Coaching on Solution Selling techniques
- Import/export capabilities
- Links to more Solution Selling content
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The Collaborative Sale: Solution Selling in a Buyer Driven World
Buyer behavior has changed the marketplace, and sellers must adapt to survive.
The Collaborative Sale: Solution Selling in Today's Customer-Driven World is the definitive guide to the new reality of sales. The roles of buyers, sellers, and technology have changed, and collaboration is now the key to success on all sides. The Collaborative Sale guides sales professionals toward alignment with buyers, by helping them overcome their problems and challenges, and creating value. From building a robust opportunity pipeline and predicting future revenues to mastering the nuances of buyer conversations, the book contains the information sales professionals need to remain relevant in today's sales environment.
Buyers have become more informed and more empowered. As a result, most sellers now enter the buying process at a much later stage than the traditional norm. The rise of information access has given buyers more control over their purchases than ever before, and sellers must adapt to survive. The Collaborative Sale provides a roadmap for adapting through sales collaboration, detailing the foundations, personae, and reality of the new marketplace. The book provides insight into the new buyer thought processes, the new sales personae required for dealing with the new buyers, and how to establish and implement a dynamic sales process. Topics include:
- Selling in times of economic uncertainty, broad information access, and new buyer behavior
- Why collaboration is so important to the new buyers
- The emergence of new sales personae – Micro-marketer, Visualizer, and Value Driver
- Buyer alignment, risk mitigation, and the myth of control
- Situational fluency, and the role of technology
- Focused sales enablement, and buyer-aligned learning and development
- Implementation and establishment of a dynamic sales process
The book describes the essential competencies for collaborative selling, and provides indispensable supplemental tools for implementation. Written by recognized authorities with insights into global markets, The Collaborative Sale: Solution Selling in Today's Customer-Driven World is the essential resource for today's sales professional.
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Sell Like a Team: The Blueprint for Building Teams that Win Big at High-Stakes Meetings
Build a championship sales team that prepares, practices, and plays in sync―and closes every deal
Gone are the days of meeting a client for lunch, chatting about your product, and closing the sale over dessert. Buyers today look very differently from those of the past. They make networked purchasing decisions by committee, with diverse roles, interests and backgrounds. With access to more information and a greater ability to share it, they demand value, access and alignment from their counterparties.
Sales is now a team sport, and to win you have to build and manage selling squads that work in complete alignment―not just during client meetings, but before and after, as well. In Sell Like a Team, Michael Dalis, a senior consultant at the legendary sales training firm, The Richardson Sales Performance Company, guides you through the process of creating and managing selling squads that execute and win in every sales meeting or pitch.
Winning selling squads are fueled by trust. There is an effective leader and every member knows his or her role. They plan, practice and make adjustments together. During customer meetings, they execute as a unit. And afterward, they debrief together so they can advance the sale, replicate the high points and eliminate the low ones in future meetings.
In today’s competitive market, the difference between the winner and all the others is a lean at the tape. There’s a world of difference between teams that are qualified and those that win. This groundbreaking guide provides everything you need to create and organize selling squads that win more and win big.